Backpacking Dudes

Travel Like a Local


Countries I Visited

Or Avitan

I was born and raised in Haifa, a mountaintop city in northern Israel. Haifa is blessed with beautiful beaches and woods, making it a truly unique place. Growing up in such a city has given me a deep appreciation for nature and slow-paced routines.

When I was 18 I went to the Technion, where I studied physics and electrical engineering, both subjects I enjoy very much. Whilst working hard in school and having a part-time job, I kept the habits I deem essential: exercising, working on side hustles, and improving my mentality.

I finished school when I was 22, and decided to embark on a quest with the intention to become more self-reliant and to widen my horizons. I did that by going on a 2-month solo trip to Southeast Asia, which ended up being a life-changing experience, and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

About a year later I took a shorter trip to Europe with my friend Uri, where we had a great time learning about cultures, meeting people, and discovering new places. These experiences sparked the idea to create this blog.

I’m currently working a full-time job and doing my Master’s degree, but as in any previous parts of my life, I’m making time for things that are important to me. One of these things is to discover better ways to travel, and to share them with the amazing backpackers’ community.

I love creating blogs and I really believe in this medium of sharing amazing insights. An additional blog I run, called ArcheryMind, is where I gather and share clear information on the sport.

Along with blogging, traveling, and coding, I enjoy playing the guitar, sports, photography, and reading incredible books. My favorite beverages to drink while writing blog posts are beer and coffee, depending on the time of day. 

Uri Naor

As someone who was born and raised in the beautiful little (but not very touristic) city of Haifa, I never really had the chance to experience the outside world very much. I would always get excited when I would meet non-Israelis, and I loved to spark up a conversation with them (especially over a couple of beers!) but I always felt like there’s something bigger out there than what Haifa has to offer. And I always felt like I should go out and explore it.

It was only recently that I decided to change that. I decided to sell my car, sell all my furniture and a bunch of the things I own (sorry PlayStation), move back to my parents house, and pack a bag for my first ever big trip.

That trip ended up completely changing my life.
I always knew that traveling expands your horizons, but I never expected it to change my outlook on life so drastically.

While traveling around and noticing how beautiful and awesome all those different places were. I couldn’t help but notice how in every place I’ve been to, most of the locals would constantly take for granted all those little things that us tourists were amazed by!
It seemed that the locals would feel like there is something bigger and better somewhere out there in a different place.

It was actually kinda embarrassing when I got back to my little hometown, to admit that I never been to the Bahai Gardens, the famous Haifa’s cable car, or the Stella Maris monastery.
Just like the locals, I missed out on noticing the beauty in my own town. And ever since then, I try to find the coolest hidden gems and dive deep into the adventures that my city has to offer.
I realized that in order to have a good experience, we should strive to travel like locals, but live like tourists.

Countries I Visited

Countries I Visited

Michael Ruzhinski

Hello! I’m Michael and, to be honest, I really don’t know how to describe myself ???? Most of the people and friends have described me a lot of times as a ‘free spirit’, which I’m still unsure on how I feel about that…

I’m one of those people that don’t know what they want to do when they grow up, at least in terms of profession. I do know, though, that I want to travel the world and live a nomadic – minimalistic lifestyle, connected to nature.

I have a huge passion for music, dancing, running, celebrating and just experiencing life to the fullest.
I love learning about people, understanding what they’ve been to in their life and why they act the way they act. Also, I love listening to opinions that are different than mine.

My relationship with other people is funny. I’m scared as hell of people and society, and at the same time I love them and intrigued by them. Seeing people expressing themselves freely is one of the most beautiful things to me.

You might wonder how all these words are related and if they lead to something.. But actually I myself don’t know if they are, and this is the best way I can describe myself and tell ‘my story’.

Apparently, I have a knack for writing and people tell me I’m good at it, so I decided to write! I love playing with words, reading and editing content, thinking what’s the best way to convey the message/information/thoughts to the readers.

So here I am, writing to you about all kinds of travel related stuff. I want to help you during your travels in this world, be it with information about technical and formal stuff, or by giving you ideas of interesting and unique places around the globe, off the beaten track, in which you can see the beauty of our world and/or meet some amazing people ????

In BackpackingDudes we aspire to give you a glance of what traveling is and to give you a taste of the local cultures, whilst informing you about the technical parts of traveling, to make it easier for you to plan and know what to expect.
Our goal is to encourage people to travel around the globe and to get to know other cultures. We really hope to help people feel like insiders in countries they’re visiting and avoiding outsider points of view.
In other words, we hope to help you travel like a local!

We really hope that you enjoy our blog!
Or, Uri and Michael
The BackpackingDudes Team.

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