{"id":1040,"date":"2021-05-26T12:14:12","date_gmt":"2021-05-26T12:14:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/backpackingdudes.com\/?p=1040"},"modified":"2021-05-26T12:14:14","modified_gmt":"2021-05-26T12:14:14","slug":"do-they-stamp-your-passport-in-israel","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/backpackingdudes.com\/do-they-stamp-your-passport-in-israel\/","title":{"rendered":"Do They Stamp Your Passport In Israel?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Being here, I\u2019m sure you love to travel and experience different cultures and, as such, maybe you want to travel to the middle east. The pyramids in Egypt, the wailing wall in Jerusalem and wandering the streets of Amman, sounds so adventurous\u2026<\/p>\n

But apparently, if evidence of being in Israel found on you while entering most Muslim countries, you might get banned from entering them. But don\u2019t worry, in this article you\u2019ll learn how to avoid such a thing.<\/p>\n

Israel does not stamp passports anymore, neither in the international airports nor in the land border crossings. Instead, while crossing the border, you\u2019ll receive a piece of paper that serves as a substitute for the stamp.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Even though this is the usual policy, there have been reports by tourists (though still very rarely) of cases when the authorities did stamp the passport, so you can never be completely sure.<\/p>\n

From the reports I read, it usually happens to people who have visited a lot of Arab\/Muslim countries. But still, those are very rare cases and almost all travellers (both people who\u2019ve been to those countries and not) don\u2019t get their passport stamped.<\/p>\n

<\/a>What\u2019s the problem with the Israeli stamp?<\/h2>\n

Because of the political situation in the middle east, many Arab and Muslim countries don\u2019t recognise Israel as an independent state and as such, ban people who\u2019ve been to Israel from entering their countries.<\/p>\n

Having an Israeli stamp on your passport is the biggest evidence of entering Israel and because you have to show your passport when you enter the country, the agents there may notice it and ban your entry.<\/p>\n

*An important note here: Any<\/strong> evidence of being in Israel will ban your entrance, so it also goes for labels or stickers the Israeli authorities may put on your passport or luggage at the airport, having Shekels (the Israeli currency) on you, the piece of paper you get in Israel instead of the stamp and anything else.<\/p>\n

Make sure to get rid of any evidence that may make the agents suspicious of you being in Israel if you decide to travel to a Muslim country that has no relations with Israel.<\/p>\n

<\/a>Which countries ban people who\u2019ve been to Israel from entering?<\/h2>\n

To be honest, I searched the web a lot about it and while there are countries that definitely deny the entrance of people with evidence of visiting Israel, there are reports of travellers that managed to enter, even though they had a stamp.<\/p>\n

A lot of information sites, personal blogs and even official government sites give different information. For example, some information sources claim that Pakistan and Afghanistan may ban entry of people with an Israeli stamp, while others claim that you can enter them without any problems.<\/p>\n

The thing is, this issue is affected a lot by the political situation and can change every few months, and it also depends on the specific country, the airport and even the immigration clerk that checks your passport.<\/p>\n

Anyway, the list below here includes the countries that definitely ban tourists with an Israeli stamp from entering them.<\/p>\n